Our Team consists of Qualified NPER-3 , C.P.Eng & Members of the Electrical Engineers of Australia Charter which combined experience exceeding 30 years in the industry
We believe that the practical aspect of our experience and diverse background, combined with our association and knowledge of the contracting industry, we are able to provide designs which are practical, technically appropriate, and up-to-date.
With each project, we evaluate the short term and long term benefits of the life-cycle costing of the selected components and system concept design. This ensures that the selected options have been objectively analysed for efficiency, reliability, safety, low maintenance and cost effectiveness within the scope of the brief and budget.
Our relationship with electrical contractors and engineering suppliers enables accurate budgeting where fixed-sum tenders, guaranteed maximum price (GMP) or design and construct (D &C) are required.
From a technical and engineering viewpoint, our Engineers are amongst the most progressive and innovative in their field. Our combined practical and common sense approach, together with sound and effective engineering design ensures minimum overall capital and maintenance project costs.